benefits of broccoli and a banana bread smoothie

We all know we are supposed to eat our veggies and that green ones are particularly good for us, but this new research on broccoli shows a direct link between broccoli and other greens and cancer prevention! 

Basically broccoli is high in a compound called sulforaphane which stimulates both the HDAC pathway (responsible for maintaining balance and health in our cells) and the DNA methylation pathway (controls the healthy expression of genes) in a way that lets these pathways work together to prevent cancer development. SO basically when you eat broccoli and take in sulforaphane, you help to stimulate the metylation pathway to lead to healthy gene expression and to combat cancer growth.

In simplistic terms all that sciency stuff means eating broccoli (and other greens) allows our body to equip itself in the best way pssible to maintain balance and prevent cancer from developing and growing!

SO basically all you have to do is eat a couple servings of greens a day to achieve the benefits. And it’s probably best to eat the foods instead of taking a supplement. All the good compounds in our foods work together to prevent diseasem so taking a sulforaphane (if that even exists lol) might not yield the same results. Good thing I eat loads of greens (and broccoli):

Anyway, today I also wanted to share a delicious smoothie recipe!

When I started making this, I had every intention of making something like Sarah made over at This is What I Eat- a blueberry muffin smoothie. I dutifully put my oats and my almond milk in the fridge overnight to soak but when I woke up, the unthinkable happened- NO FROZEN BLUEBERRIES! Clearly all my smoothie making is catching up with me!

But don’t panic. I took a deep breath and collected myself.and what came out of it turned out awesome! In fact I think I enjoyed this more than I would have with the blueberries. Because if there’s one thing I enjoy more than a blueberry muffin, it’s a banana muffin (or bread if you will).

This has all the best flvours that come with banana bread but is so good and wholesome (I snuck in some chia and hemp seeds). It truly is the healthiest banana bread you will ever eat!

Banana Bread Smoothie (Vegan, Gluten- Free Option, Refined Sugar-Free)

  • 1/3 cup oats (use gluten-free oats for gluten-free!)
  • 1 1/4 cup vanilla almond milk
  • 1 tsp cinnamon
  • 1/4 tsp vanilla bean powder (or extract)
  • 2/3 of a large banana, frozen
  • 1/2 tbsp chia seeds
  • 1/2 tbsp shelled hemp seeds
  • 1 medjool date, pit removed and soaked (use 2 or 3 if you like a sweeter smoothie)
  • For the garnish: chopped walnuts and fresh banana slices.

Put the first 4 ingredients in a bowl/container overnight to soak. I just put it all in my magic bullet (saves a dish!).

In the morning put it all in your blender and add in the banana, chia and hemp seeds and medjool date and blend until smooth. Garnish with walnuts and banana slices and serve!

Feel free to add more dates if you prefer a sweeter smoothie. Also something that would be worth trying, it blending until smooth then adding in either chocolate chips or cacao nibs and pulsing a couple times for a chocolate-chip banana bread smoothie! Now that just sounds like a dessert waiting to happen.

Breakfast is served! Have a lovely day!

*Just want to note, I am not a certified health professional so please don’t take this as medical advise, I just love learning about health! I am choosing to share it because it interests me, and I think it will interest you as well. 

I submitting this recipe to Wellness Weekends, Allergy Free Wednesdays, and Superfood Sundays!

22 thoughts on “benefits of broccoli and a banana bread smoothie

  1. Pingback: Allergy-Free Wednesday (3/21) - Gluten Allergy| Gluten Allergy

  2. Gabby,

    First of all, I love how you jump from broccoli to banana bread smoothie!

    I wanted to let you know I featured this recipe as one of my allergy free favorites this week. Please add a link back to the blog party as I am not supposed to feature you unless you have a link back,

    I hope you’ll come back and share more of your goodies this week. This looks wonderful! Thank you so much for sharing at Allergy Free Wednesday! This recipe was featured as a reader favorite. Please come back again this week.

  3. Pingback: Allergy Free Wednesdays #9 | Tessa the Domestic Diva

  4. This is wonderful, and nourishing, and would be perfect for pregnancy and breastfeeding. Would you mind posting it to my pregnancy food blog carnival, superfood sundays?


  5. Pingback: Anything But Ordinary: Vegetarian Bacon (and a really good breakfast smoothie) « anunrefinedvegan

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