post-cleanse wrap-up and an uninspired wiaw

Peas and Crayons

Good Wednesday morning everyone!

Firstly, just want to say a huuuuge THANK YOU to Annie at An Unrefined Vegan and all the other wonderful blogger participants for the Virtual Vegan Potluck. I discovered new blogs and have so man recipes I want to try I just don’t know where I’ll find the time! I’m so glad it was such a success and I already can’t wait until the next one. If you missed the action, check it out here (for my post) or here (for the beginning of the chain).

I have to admit I have been feeling less than stellar the last few days- I feel completely worn out as if I hadn’t slept in days. But I have, so I don’t know what’s happening. In truth it’s been lingering for a couple weeks and exercise has completely fallen to the wayside. I’ve had a couple days where I feel energized, and I took advantage and had a good sweat, but other than that, it’s been low energy and time spent on the couch. I hope this lifts soon because I miss exercising! I also miss feeling inspired, which I haven’t lately. So my eats unfortunately haven’t been super interesting.

Don’t worry though, I have lots of tasty recipes coming up! They were all just created pre-lethargy ;)

I feel I should insert here- I do not think this is the result of my cleanse at all! In fact post-cleanse there is a part of me that feels fantastic…

Post-Cleanse Thoughts

It was such a rewarding, positive and fun experience that left me feeling ready for the warmer months! I don’t feel as weighed down anymore and feel like my digestive system has been given lots of rest resulting in a little less tummy-trouble than usual! And as I discussed before the experiments with other detoxing practices such as dry skin brushing, yoga, getting a full 8 hours sleep, meditation, positive affirmations, deep breathing etc. were all very rewarding and I plan on incorporating those more fully into my daily life. There are quite a few items there that I never mentioned on the blog, but that’s because I want to wait until I have a more solid practice and understanding of them before I share my thoughts! I truly do feel I have come out of the cleanse healthier, detoxified and more positive!

Some changes I noticed:

  • Softer skin– I think this is the result of both the dry skin brushing and an emphasis on healthy fats
  • Stronger nails– I used to have very brittle nails that peeled and that barely grew! Now they are strong I can actually grow them past the slightest little white line :)
  • Fewer breakouts– I tend to have pretty good skin, but I noticed that after the initial outpouring of toxins from my body I got fewer breakouts and those I got healed faster!
  • Increased regularity– I’m sure I don’t been to get too into detail with this, you all get it!
  • A more positive outlook: I worked hard on self-love and gratitude throughout the cleanse and I have definitely noticed increased kindness towards myself and others.
  • Fewer afternoon slumps– since giving up coffee and drastically reducing my intake of caffeine I notice I don’t get that loss of energy in the afternoons
  • Cravings for raw foods– I genuinely crave raw fruits and vegetables now, anything with high water content. While I still crave sweets (didn’t cure myself of that!), I find fruits and much less-sweetened treats satisfy that craving. I relied primarily on stevia and dates throughout my cleanse and I think this is something I’ll continue

Stay tuned for more on my cleanse- I have a post coming up that I think will really show you all just how much I gained!

Jumping back to the last few days, I think my exhaustion is sprouting from somewhere else. And those iron tablets I’ve been taking just aren’t the little energy bullets they once were. Ah well. I will continue to listen to my body, get lots of rest and hopefully emerge from this soon!

And of course, now that my cleanse is over, I am reintroducing foods such as soy and sweeteners. I am trying to eat mostly according to the cleanse principles though because I loved the way I felt eating that way! Still lots of raw foods, not nearly as much soy or sugar and lots of psuedograins, nuts and seeds.  I think I’ve found a way of eating that my body really loves!

So here is this week’s WIAW!



A blueberry-pomegranate smoothie which followed lemon water!



An apple with a raw nut butter I concocted. It’s delish let me tell you…. ;)



This is actually a picture of when I made this up for dinner the night before. I packaged half of it up for leftovers but this photo was nicer. It’s tons of steamed and raw vegetables with an avocado “sauce/spread” that I make up all the time. I spread it on toast, put in on pasta, dip veggies into it. It’s fantastic. I finally got around to measuring the basic ingredients so I could share it with you. Scroll to the bottom to find it!



A terrible looking, but delicious green smoothie! This one has 1/2 a frozen banana, an orange, spinach, raspberries, spirulina, hemp seeds, coconut water, walnut milk, vanilla and ice. Topped with a little blueberry swirl and puffed millet.


A couple of these coconut butter-covered goji-berry bites. They are pretty good, but not quite blog-worthy.



A snack plate type thing. Chopper red pepper, pickles, sauerkraut, more of the avocado dip and a teff flour tortilla. I bought the tortillas ages ago in Quebec but hadn’t tried them yet. I like them a lot more than brown rice flour ones. These are actually pliable and don’t break when you try and roll them! This was followed by another goji-bite and some tea!


Avocado “Everything” Spread (Vegan, Gluten-Free, Sugar-Free, Raw)

I call this an “everything” spread because it’s good on everything! In it’s most basic version (*starred ingredients only) I love it spread on toast (my mom says it reminds her of eggs on toast), but it’s also great as a dip, on veggies, on pasta, etc. Sometimes I like to jazz it up a little by adding the rest of the ingredients. It’s so easy to throw together too and there are so many ways you could vary it!

  • 1 avocado, mashed*
  • 1 tbsp tahini
  • 1 tbsp nutritional yeast*
  • 1/2 tsp cumin
  • 1/2 tsp lemon juice/lime juice/apple cider vinegar, etc.
  • couple pinched red pepper flakes*
  • salt and pepper to taste*

Mix it all up in a bowl and serve! It’s great with fresh herbs tossed in it as well. Feel free to mix up the seasonings to your taste. This is just the most basic way I do it!

**UPDATED to include variations based on my own and others’ ideas!

Possible variations:

  • mustard (dijon, honey, etc.)
  • add a sweetener like dates or agave
  • fresh herbs like dill, parsley or coriander
  • add water or non dairy milk to make a dressing
  • let your imagination run wild! Coconut? Sundried tomatoes?  Go for it!

And that concludes this WIAW. Thanks for Jenn at Peas and Crayons again for hosting!

I’ll just apologize in advance if I blog a little less often while I try and sort out this energy thing. Even writing this post took a huge amount of effort. I’m hoping to keep writing because I love it but I also recognize that I need rest. Thanks in advance for being understanding :)

Have a good rest of the week everyone!

45 thoughts on “post-cleanse wrap-up and an uninspired wiaw

  1. Pingback: wiaw # 18: rainy day snacking | the veggie nook

  2. I can’t wait to make that avocado spread, it looks so good!

    It is amazing how different I feel when my workout schedule becomes out of whack – this entire week has been absolutely crazy at work (12 hour days craziness) and I am doing all I can to remember to eat well….needless to say I am exhausted when I come home and haven’t dragged myself t the gym and you know what – I MISS it!

    • It’s funny how I used to hate exercise and now I love it! It’s a terrible vicious cycle though- you get tired and exhausted so you stop exercising, making you more tired, and then you want to exercise even less, even though your body misses it. Gah! Hopefully we both get out of our funks soon!

  3. mmmmmm a cheezy, tahini guacamole… YUMMO! Thanks for sharing the recipe. I have a hunch it will become my new obsession. How great are avocados on everything??!! :-)
    I loved reading about your cleanse ideas/results, too. You’re inspiring me to try one.
    I hope you feel better soon, too. Definitely see your Doc and get your blood checked because it’s probably something that can be easily remedied with the right dose of vitamins. And in the meantime, be kind to yourself and use the time to catch up on chick flicks on the couch, guilt-free. ;-)

  4. I’ve just discovered your blog and really love it! Your recipes are so tempting but also so healthy which is very inspiring. I am definitely going to make your avocado everything spread. I eat loads of hummus every day but am ready for something else instead. We don’t get great avocados here and they either seem to be unripe or have gone black inside, but sometimes they are fine so I’ll just keep trying until I get some good ones. Does this spread keep for long? I bet my baby would love this too. She just wants to eat whatever I eat, which is great as long as I’m eating something healthy.

    • Hey! To be honest I usually eat half in one sitting so it never lasts beyond 2 days in my house ;). But I’m sure it would last a few days, although it would start to turn brownish since the avocado will oxidize. But it will still bve tasty! You can always vary it up with fresh herbs or throw in some mustard for some tang! I’m going to update this soon with recommendations for variations!

      I’m so glad you like the blog, I really appreciate your kind words! I love writing it! I hope to see lots more of you around here :) I’ve been by your blog a couple times now and can’t wait to make one of your smoothies! Or thickies!

  5. Girlie! Have you had your B12 levels checked?

    Hope you are feeling on the up up UP soon – oh I love your everything spread…. I make one pretty similar -so so good, avocado and nooch is such a yummy combo. I’m a mustard freak so I always dump a heap of whole grain mustard in too :)

    Man me and you must have GREAT minds (thinking alike) on coconut butter covered treats!

    And you can always blame hormones for feeling blah :)

    • I probably should get them checked eh? I feel like I need to have a proper sit down with my doctor or a nutritionist. I feel like he jumped on the iron thing because it was an easy find and a supposedly easy fix lol. But you’re right there’s probably something else in play here! Thanks for the advice :)

      Oh I looooove mustard- I was one of those weird kids who hated cheese and ketchup but loved mustard and would load it on lol. I must try the avocado and mustard combo!

      Haha yours look much prettier than mine did! Next time, I’m going to strive for your excellence!

      And yes, I love how us females can just blame everything on hormones and have it be totally legit :) Thanks for all your advice girl! Hope you feel better soon too now that Viper’s back!

  6. I’m so sorry that you aren’t feeling well! I’ve actually been feeling pretty gross myself. Super tired, cloudy, just an overall feeling of exhaustion. Plus my shoulder has been more messed up that usual :( Wah! I hope that you can determine what it is and that you feel better soon though!

    I’m so glad that the cleanse was such a positive experience for you! It is so amazing how many changes a clean diet can bring. The clearer skin is one of my favs ;) Well post detox that is.

    All of your meals look delicious and that avocado dip sounds so good! I’m such an avocado freak, I know I’d love it! Yum! I love your snacky plate, those are my favorite meals :)

    Feel better soon Gabby!

    • Thanks hun! Aww I’m sorry you’ve been out of sorts too and about your shoulder! I think what is annoying me so much is that this is usually a time of year I feel great wat with the warm weather coming on! Hopefully you sort yourself out soon too. Don’t be training too hard for that Tough Mudder!

      I don’t have snack plates very often, but this was so satisfying- got a little bit of everything I was craving and it was so easy. I think they’ll be making a more frequent appearance at my table :o).

      Thanks for your well wishes, and I’m sending them right back to you!

  7. whew! I’m glad I’m not the only one feeling “uninspired” and lethargic! I haven’t posted anything in a week…Although for me, I think it’s all the pollen in the air clouding my thoughts…yup, that’s definitely it ;) I’m happy that you found such positive outcomes in your cleanse! congrats!

    • Ooh maybe that’s the source of mine. Since going vegan I find my allergies and illnesses manifest themselves as tiredness now more than oturight sickness- you might be on to something! Hopefully we’re back to our old selves in no time! Thanks for following along with my cleanse :) it was unexpectedly fun!

  8. I hope your energy issues get resolved soon. It could just be a slump. But you could try to introduce some exercise back into your routine, that’s usually what helps me get back on train mentally. I’m glad you found your cleanse so rewarding! those are some great benefits!

    PS. I started dry skin brushing after your post about it. I love it! I feel myself getting energized halfway through the practice. So thank you :)

  9. Sorry that you are experiencing energy issues – that happens to me occasionally (often during the spring, for some reason) – hope that you resolve that soon so you can get back into the physical things you enjoy. It’s been enlightening and fun to go through your cleanse with you (well, sort of go through it ;-)). Thanks, Gabby!

  10. My friend you deserve a break, a laugh and some time good times out to get yourself through this slump!
    Your cleanse is so wonderful and inspires me to stop constant snacking ;)

    Choc Chip Uru

    • Thanks for you kind words :) I agree! And I plan on doing just that!

      And than you, this cleanse was very rewarding and not as hard as I expected at all! I’m looking forward to reincorporating more foods again (like tempeh, my fav), but will definitely stick close to what I was eating during the cleanse. It was delicious so why not right?

  11. this avocado spread sounds really similar to the avocado dressing i have been making lately. and that i LOVE. i like the idea here of making it a bit thicker (i usually thin with water for a salad dressing) and putting it on top of absolutely everything! lucky for me i have a ripe avocado ready for this tonight!

  12. This everything spread looks incredible! I actually came up with a similar one, adapted from one of my favourite raw cookbooks! It includes avocado, hemp seeds and hemp protein powder, garlic, dates and some herbs (of choice- i love parsley or basil in it). its so tasty i am totally addicted to it! our eating style is so much alike, i love coming to your blog!

    • Oooh I like the idea of adding dates and garlic! Imma gonna try that next! Thanks for reading, I love having you :) It’s nice finding people who eat similarly to me because in my family and friends I eat a little strangely lol

      • totally know what you mean. my family and friends think I eat not a little but completely strangely!

  13. Those goji berry bites look good…I’d love to see the recipe. Give yourself a good rest and step away from everything for a bit and you’ll be back to your old self in no time! Btw…I love your site so much and just nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award.  I posted this on my post:  You can check out the Versatile Blogger Aware site and rules here:  
    I know you already saw this on my blog, but just wanted to make sure I put it on your site for everyone to see! Take care, girl!

    • I will have to make them again and write down quantities! I find I keep going back to them more and more so when I make them again I’ll be sure to post it!

      And thanks for the award my dear, I am so honoured :) i’m so glad you enjoy mine as I love reading yours as well!

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